of the system changing...
We're on our way to find our freedom
And I'm on my way to find you my friend
Where we can stand in the light of the people
And breathe life into the land again
Siyathemba, siyathemba kuwena nkosi
Sizo fika ema khaya
(We are hoping and we still believe
we will reach our destination)
"When The System Has Fallen" (JOHNNY CLEGG & SAVUKA)
So....how do we go about changing the system. We gotta start someplace and elections is a good place
to start. To be able to run for the Presidency, one incompetent must lay down some money (!!!) plus
produce a paper with signatures that support said incompetent. If you ain't rich or you don't plan to do
favours (rousfeti) you don't have the right to apply for the job (it's a job, that's all), that is how my humble mind translates this.
So...out with these rules and bring in the new ones.
1. All candidates should refrain from accepting cash contributions/grants of any form to boost their
campaign. And they should be investigated. And if found out they should be handed a bar of soap
and sent straight to prison, preferably where the lifers are.
2. Each candidate should be checked to see whether he has grown hairs on his balls. Just pull down his
pants for everyone to see. Should he have a small dick and is too embarrassed he could go to a photo
booth and take a close up of his balls (If he submits a photo from the photo booth we'll know that
there is a possibility he has a small dick too-hey, not all systems are perfect, OK?)
(Special note to our dimwit lawmakers that this rule DOES NOT apply to women candidates.
3. Give us the chance to vote the most able. Don't restrict our choice to one single Party. Political
parties claim to be the cradle of Democracy. That is one reality. Another reality claims that Political
parties are the asshole of Democracy. (Oh, wouldn't you like to know which books I'm reading...)
4. Most important rule. Have these vain candidates take an IQ test. Make that mandatory. I want to know
whether my leader is smart or not. And if he cheats me blind, chances are I won't be able to tell and,
thus, I won't be angry so often...
I would really like to know the IQ test results of our current crop of incompetents cause...
...Then you really might know what it's like
To sing the blues
"What It's Like" (EVERLAST)
IQ tests, then, for everyone. From the president, to members of parliament, to civil servants.
I've noticed a certain anti-intellectualism going around in this country...I was in Nashville, Tennessee,
and after the show I went to a Waffle House. I'm not proud of it, but I was hungry. And I'm sitting there eating and reading a book. I don't know anybody, I'm alone, so I'm reading a book.
The waitress comes over to me
"What'chu readin' for?"
I had never been asked that. Not "What I'm reading", but "What I'm reading for?"
Goddangit, you stumped me. Hmm, why do I read?
I suppose I read for a lot of reasons, one of the main ones being so I don't end up being a f*****g
waffle waitress . (BILL HICKS)