So this guy sends an SMS to a bunch of people on the jolly little island of Cyprus claiming that there is going to be a second "haircut" on deposits and the probability of (yet another) bank going bankrupt.
The panic button is stricken and the jolly primates rush to withdraw deposits and stash them in their pillow cases. I swear, should you come across pillows in Cypriot households, you'd go :
"Man, these people must have huge heads! Imagine the brains that nest in them skulls!"
The problem does not only lie with the ruling few who take advantage of the malleability of a system like Democracy by manipulating it to fit their needs.
What about the hapless citizens? The ultimate goal of Democracy is for people to create their own fate.
How can these dimwits expect to take their fate in their own hands if the mere mass distribution of an SMS has them running for cover. This ignorance and this gullibility shows people who refuse to better themselves and try to get a better understanding of the world they live in, branding them incapable to implement, uphold and sustain democracy…
"These blind slaves are told they are 'free' and 'highly educated'
as they march behind signs that would cause any medieval peasant
to run screaming away from them in panic-stricken terror."
"Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare"
(Michael A. Hoffman II)
The mass dumbing down of societies through a star system (that has stretched to accommodate politicians), religious and political symbols, dogmas and cosmotheories should prompt the question of whether the citizens should be passed fit before being granted the right to vote.
The same way as politicians and parties should :
a) Produce IQ test results
b) Be banned from receiving ANY sort of funds for election campaigns and other activities
c) Allow "horizontal voting"
Citizens :
a) Have read any books without pictures and which ones?
b) IQ test results
c) Is the flag a piece of cloth or a sacred symbol which you wave in a jolly fashion during football
games of the national team or during the the Eurovision song contest? (Trick question)
I always wondered about people waving flags at events. I wouldn't be caught dead doing that sort of stuff. When I see them, I go :
"Hey look! That a**hole is from this part of the world. That clueless f**k is from that part of the world.
And where is that woman from? I don't recognise that printed piece of cloth. Could be a newly
emerged tribe of dimwits…"
"Hey buddy, my daddy died for that flag"
"Really? I bought mine. Yeah, they sell them at K-Mart."
"He died in Korea."
"Wow, what a coincidence. Mine was MADE in Korea."
No one-and I repeat, NO ONE-has ever died for a flag. See, a flag is just a piece of cloth. They may have died for freedom, which is also THE FREEDOM TO BURN THE F****NG FLAG."
If you didn't care what happened to me
And I didn't care for you
We would zig zag our way through the
boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame
And watching for pigs on the wing
"Pigs On The Wing Part 1" (PINK FLOYD)