Actually the majority of politicians are conniving halfwits and unless they take and publish IQ tests, I can't be arsed to spoil my Sunday plans for a trip to a polling station...
Consider this...if the Turkish Cypriots demand to share the spoils of the natural gas that exists in the Greek Cypriot "zone" of the Cypriot EEZ, doesn't that defeat the purpose of the bi-zonality terms of the sought after solution?
Just a question from a the conniving halfwits from both sides.
When you plan politics it is important, if not crucial, to take into consideration the factor of TIMING.
Maybe the timing is wrong for a solution to the Cyprob?
What with the despicable dictatorial NeoSultan Erdogan who is slowly (but surely) descending into the realm of madness.
The most half assed coup in the history of the world...we're still laughing are asses off all the way to Kingdom Come.
And then a few days ago...
"She has a Turkish flag in her pocket. If she becomes a martyr,
inshallah, we will drape the flag on her. She is ready for everything"
Deranged Tyrant Erdogan
Well, why don't you strap a bomb on her fragile chest, while you're at it you scum-of-the-earth, and shove her all the way to Afrin... you scumbag...
If this is not the "sign of a madman losing his control" (Demon)......
After the dogs have feasted on what is left of his flesh (that has been previously ripped off by his own people), that would be the right timing (I categorically deny fandom to horror movies). Historically, most dictators had the same fate...
"History repeats the old conceits
the glib repeats the old defeats
keep your finger on important issues
with crocodile tears and a pocketful of tissues"
"Beyond Belief" (ELVIS COSTELLO)
"Madman Across The Water" includes one of the best songs Elton John has written. "Tiny Dancer"...but the geographic madman across the water, the world can do without. And all we can do is await for his inevitable demise...
"Someday even grey walls crumble
And every idol ever raised falls"
"Ashes To Ashes" (STEVE EARLE)
Revisit the mighty leader's song...